Minding your Own Business

Minding your own business will be the best thing you have ever done! At DBmind we are adamant about having a well established Data Base to ensure you have mind with integrity and sanity. Superb data integrity goes hand in hand with great database management and governance.

Robert Golan DBmind's Founder
The pre-inception of DBmind Technologies began with a LEVEL5 development and rollout of a rule based expert system which was used to diagnose DEC's printer hardware and software problems. Commodity Market analysis integrating supervised learning around the grain futures was investigated. Stock Market analysis utilizing Rough Set Theory was researched. See below for a list of publications. A simulation and reservoir modeling program for the scheduling of heavy oil steam recovery was implemented. A Genetic Algorithm program which routed and scheduled trains was analyzed. A Neural Net application was evaluated to diagnose jet engine problems through sensor readings. Robert's initial startup of Rough Knowledge Discovery Inc. in 1995 was later renamed to DBmind Technologies Inc. in 1997. In collaboration with DBintellect/EDS a proposal was made for a prospect profiling project via data mining for Fidelity Investments. SGI's Mineset tools were used to visualize Chase's CD products while doing sales campaigns and promotions. A Credit Risk rating notch analysis data mining project was proposed. Our latest upcoming venture is to apply Fuzzy Set Theory as part of the advanced analytics of Operational Risk.

There are many ways to mine your data. Your scope and requirements of the project will dictate the type of mining tool needed. A mining project around discovering the unknown will be different from a predictive orientated mining project. Your scope may be the simple task of identifying which data is the valuable data. A huge cost savings can be attained by knowing which data is driving the decision making process!


R. Golan (1999) "A Methodology for creating a Data Visualization application for Performance Monitoring of Chase's CD Financial Data", in Proceeding of DSI's International Conference. Athens, Greece. July 6th.

R. Golan (1996) "The Rough Approach to Knowledge Marts with Data Warehouses", in Proceedings of International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, and Machine Discovery. Tokyo, Japan. Nov 7th.

R. Golan (1995) "Thesis: Stock Market Analysis Utilizing Rough Set Theory",

University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Defense Date was February 11.

R. Golan and W. Ziarko (1995) "A Methodology for Stock Market Analysis utilizing Rough Set Theory" in Proceedings of Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineers. CIFEr-95. New York, USA. April 9th.

R. Golan (1994) "Techniques for Rule Generation Verification" in Proceedings of International Workshop on Rough Sets and Soft Computing. San Jose, USA.

R. Golan and D. Edwards (1993) "Temporal Rules Discovery using Datalogic/R+ with Stock Market Data", in International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Discovery. Banff, Canada. October 12th.

W. Ziarko and R. Golan and D. Edwards (1993) "An Application of Datalogic/R Knowledge Discovery Tool to Identify Strong Predictive Rules in Stock Market Data", in AAAI-93, Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Washington, DC. USA.